En el umbral de los pueblos
Del único evangelio a los evangelios encarnados
Throughout Christian history, the issue of the "true" church or the "true and only" gospel has always been discussed. Certainly, such an ecclesial element has been the theological cornerstone and the interpretative and experiential criteria of the churches(ies); element that has allowed it to survive and expand to every known place on earth. In this study I propose to rediscover the meaning of the gospel/messiah conceptual duality, making use of historical, social and semantic criteria, in order to understand the primitive gospel proposed by the Jewish church, and the Pauline proposal on his "only gospel". revealed, authorized and with stigmatizing capacity. In this sense, a review of the ecclesiological proposals of the highest authorities of Judeo-Christianity and of Paul of Gentile Christianity, in relation to the constitution of the people of God and/or ekklesia become essential to know the original gospel, and therefore, authorized, legitimate and worthy of being transmitted.