Practical Theology in Latin America and the Caribbean: proposals, challenges


Dear readers:

Next August we will have in our hands the Number 1 of Volume 40 of the Journal Vida y Pensamiento. This number corresponds to the first semester of the year 2020 and addresses the theoretical and practical challenges of the theological discipline known as Practical Theology. The publishing committee hopes you enjoy this contribution.

The Latin American Biblical University is organizing a Consultation of Practical Theology in Latin America and the Caribbean today to be held in 2021. This consultation has the general objective of identifying and reflecting on the role of practical theology in Latin American theological education and its impact on Christian work facing current social, political, religious and cultural challenges. For this, people from the continent who teach and work in the pastoral field will be invited to discuss and jointly develop theoretical and practical criteria that allow the identity of a Latin American-Caribbean Practical Theology to be built that, without losing sight of historical traditions that give it life, can respond assertively to the challenges of today's theological education.

This issue of the journal is a previous step to such consultation. It contains articles that are intended to provoke and open discussions that anticipate the meeting.