Theological-Pastoral Reflections in Times of Pandemic


We are very pleased to invite you to receive and read the issue of our journal Vida y Pensamiento. This issue is especially dedicated to reflecting on the theological and pastoral experiences that different churches and Christians in Latin America have developed during this global pandemic crisis generated by COVID-19.

The relevance of this issue is not only temporary, as the pandemic made clear the situation of vulnerability that the least favored social groups in our societies continue to experience. The problems related to gender violence, the lack of access to health, the lack of accompaniment during the experiences of pain, the deficiency of the local educational systems, the general unemployment and so many adverse situations, became evident and hit hard our communities.

But not everything was negative, in the face of this crisis many grassroots churches responded according to their faith commitment. His work became a prophetic voice, where the denunciation of a system that does not watch over its people was accompanied by an announcement of hope that was reflected in pastoral work and in the recovery of the Christian dream that it is possible to build a just world. .


The editorial committee