Vestiges of Political Theology I

Social doctrine, popular struggle and being of the Costa Rican nation

  • Diego A. soto Morera
Keywords: Traditional historiography, Saocial doctrine, Catholicism, Costa Rica


In this paper it is analyzed the traditional historiography that has rationalized the legacy and scopes of the social doctrine of the Catholic Church within the social history of Costa Rica. It will be studied three authors whose studies are characteristic of the traditional historiography that, besides their different frames of interpretation and delimitation of the object of study, share common conclusions on the role of Christianity in the conformation of the national soul. The broader aim of this study is to comprehend the historical backgrounds of current analytical frames from which it is interpreted the location of Christianism in the public sphere.


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How to Cite
soto Morera, Diego A. “Vestiges of Political Theology I: Social Doctrine, Popular Struggle and Being of the Costa Rican Nation”. Vida y Pensamiento 36, no. 2 (February 26, 2019): 83-130. Accessed December 22, 2024.