The Psalms of Death in Paul Celan

  • Juan Esteban Londoño
Keywords: Paul Celan, death, poetry, psalms


This article interprets the poetic voice of Paul Celan concerning the topic of death. It highlights his poems that resemble psalms in which prayer and blasphemy are combined facing the question of a specific form of death, the violent one. From the perspective of an aesthetics of suffering, the modes of discourse of Celan’s poetry are analyzed as a prophetic denunciation of systematic violence.


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Author Biography

Juan Esteban Londoño
Máster en Ciencias Bíblicas (UBL - Costa Rica) y en Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia - Colombia), Doctor en Teología por la Universidad de Hamburgo (Alemania). Es escritor, docente e investigador en las áreas de hermenéutica, literatura y teología. Contacto:
How to Cite
Londoño, Juan Esteban. “The Psalms of Death in Paul Celan”. Vida y Pensamiento 41, no. 2 (December 14, 2021): 11-36. Accessed December 22, 2024.