A dignified life, yes; dignified death, too

  • Francisco Mena Oreamuno Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Keywords: euthanasia, old age, pensions, logevity, gospel of suffering


A dignified death is an issue that we as individuals and societies, as communities of faith, need to dedicate time to. This is an exercise considering the life situation of older people today and in the years to come, and on the so-called gospel of suffering. The exercise consists of presenting arguments that show two ways of working with pain and suffering and becoming aware of how these scourges of humanity are overcome by a minority sector of the population that can fund projects of eternal life and colonization from space. There is no answer, but more questions.


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Author Biography

Francisco Mena Oreamuno, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Profesor de la Escuela Ecuménica de Ciencias de la Religión y catedrático de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Contacto: franciscomenaoreamuno@gmail.com
How to Cite
Mena Oreamuno, Francisco. “A Dignified Life, Yes; Dignified Death, Too”. Vida y Pensamiento 41, no. 2 (December 14, 2021): 73-92. Accessed December 22, 2024. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/266.