Otros (Bio)Amenazantes: higiene, violencia e inmunidad

Un discurso contra el ingreso de los jesuitas a Costa Rica (1875)

  • Diego A. Soto Morera
Keywords: Discourse, Hygiene, Otherness, Exclusion


This paper analyses a discourse of Congressman Alejandro Aguilar Castillo against the presence of Jesuits in Costa Rican territory (1875). In his speech, Aguilar, within the issue of hygiene, prefigures the eugenic policies through which particular social groups are consider biological threats to population. Aguilar’s discourse will be analyzed from the perspective of Bajtin’s dialogical principle and also by using some criteria from the Appraisal Theory. At the conclusion the author asserts that through Aguilar’s speech, which emphasizes immunity, a liberal society based on equalitarian ideology rationalizes its differences and forms of exclusion.


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How to Cite
Soto Morera, Diego A. “Otros (Bio)Amenazantes: Higiene, Violencia E Inmunidad: Un Discurso Contra El Ingreso De Los Jesuitas a Costa Rica (1875)”. Vida y Pensamiento 35, no. 2 (March 8, 2022): 117-150. Accessed July 3, 2024. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/293.