Environmental crisis, alienation and wounded soul

An existential interpretation from Paul Tillich

  • Roy H. May
Keywords: biophilia, anthropocentrism, capitalist political economy, Environmental crisis


In spite of the biophilia proposal, the environmental crisis demonstrates a profound loss of a sense of belonging to the natural order; that is, the loss of biophilia. So, following Paul Tillich, it is proposed that the original deep cause of the environmental crisis is alienation rooted in the tragic character of existence. This separation or alienation results not only in the abuse of nature and the environmental crisis, but even in the destruction of the human being. The progressive removal from lively and direct interaction and relation of humans with nature urges reencountering and integral relating among humans, other living beings and their habitats. Through this re-encounter and integral relating, healing grace can be experienced. I suggest that watching birds offers an exceptionally grace filled way of fomenting this re-encounter.


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How to Cite
May, Roy H. “Environmental Crisis, Alienation and Wounded Soul: An Existential Interpretation from Paul Tillich”. Vida y Pensamiento 36, no. 1 (July 1, 2020): 7-26. Accessed December 22, 2024. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/3.