Christian movements for sexual diversity in Latin America

an interpretation from the radical Reformation as a historical and theological key

  • Juan Fonseca Ariza
Keywords: Radical Reformation, sexual diversity, LGBT Christianity, history, movements


This article analyzes the emergence of the Christian LGTB movements and their current situation, in the context of the historical Protestant tradition. The need for religious reform has been one of the most constant utopias in the history of Protestantism in Latin America. The article shows how the Christian LGBT movement in Latin American can represent that reforming ideal defined by the principles of the Radical Reformation.


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How to Cite
Fonseca Ariza, Juan. “Christian Movements for Sexual Diversity in Latin America: An Interpretation from the Radical Reformation As a Historical and Theological Key”. Vida y Pensamiento 37, no. 1-2 (March 24, 2019): 125-141. Accessed January 18, 2025.