Transiciones políticas y mentalidad monárquica en el Israel antiguo:

Una relectura de los usos y abusos del poder

  • Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz
Keywords: monarchy,, transition,, tribes,, Alliance,, resistance


This article analyzes a highly conflictive period in Israel’s history, when the monarchical model of government enters into crisis and precipitates the rise of various dynasties with controversial interpretations of the destiny of the nation.
The struggle between continuity and discontinuity provoked crisis that highlighted the imbalance between the interests of palace and people. But, in the midst of this, the intervention of the prophets channeled the faith of the society along the difficult path of the alliance with Yahweh, even when that faith had a different face. Political transitions are transcendental moments in the life of nations, and to respond to them continues to be an ethical demand that transcends religion and belief.


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How to Cite
Cervantes-Ortiz, Leopoldo. “Transiciones políticas Y Mentalidad monárquica En El Israel antiguo:: Una Relectura De Los Usos Y Abusos Del Poder”. Vida y Pensamiento 32, no. 1 (April 1, 2022): 101-128. Accessed December 30, 2024.