Acercamiento narrativo a Dios y mammón (Mt 6,19-34) y su relevancia para las Iglesias en Indonesia

  • Batara Sihombing
Keywords: Gospel of Matthew,, mammón,, Indonesia,, batak


A narrative critique of Matthew 6:19-34 makes clear the impossibility of reconciling God and Mammón. Wealth, originally neutral, adquires a negative connotation as it is personified and presented as a demonic forcé. Seen as a goal, wealth feeds the desire of greed and inevitably produces a mentality inclined toward corruption. The theme is analyzed in the context of the Indonesian batak culture, whose ideas of hamoraon (wealth), hagabeon (fertility) y basangapon (honor) favor a high degree of competitiveness.


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How to Cite
Sihombing, Batara. “Acercamiento Narrativo a Dios Y mammón (Mt 6,19-34) Y Su Relevancia Para Las Iglesias En Indonesia”. Vida y Pensamiento 31, no. 2 (April 27, 2022): 59-82. Accessed July 3, 2024.