Sexo en el desierto: consideración carnal del Tratado práctico de Evagrio Póntico

  • Jonathan Pimentel Chacón


This article presents and discusses the anthropological configuration – notions, concepts, images – expressed and condensed in the Practical Treatise of Evagrius Ponticus. Of particular interest are specific topics that are especially prevalent in Originest thought: corporality, sexuality, paradise, love and death.
Evagrian theology recurrently considers the sexual character of human beings and seeks to confront and dominate it.


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How to Cite
Pimentel Chacón, Jonathan. “Sexo En El Desierto: Consideración Carnal Del Tratado práctico De Evagrio Póntico”. Vida y Pensamiento 30, no. 1 (April 28, 2022): 27-82. Accessed July 3, 2024.