La (otra) colonización de las almas: El tiempo principia en Xibalbá de Luis de Lión

  • Gabriela Miranda
Keywords: Luis de Lión, literature, Xibalbá, conquest, virgin


It is always a challenge to establish a relationship between theology and literature. It is often difficult to know where each begins and ends. This article seeks to establish that a theological reading of a literary work seeks to identify the way in which God is understood in the text and the relationship that the protagonists establish among themselves based on this understanding. Luis de Lión’s novel allows us to explore this approach and offers an additional element: the possibility of reflecting on the meaning of evangelization and conquest in autochthonous peoples, its repercussions, problems, lies and injustices. This article registers just a glimpse of the marvelous contribution of the novel El tiempo principia en Xibalbá to the literature of Latin America.


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How to Cite
Miranda, Gabriela. “La (otra) colonización De Las Almas: El Tiempo Principia En Xibalbá De Luis De Lión”. Vida y Pensamiento 29, no. 2 (May 6, 2022): 47-70. Accessed December 22, 2024.