Salsa, biografía y teología Pinitos teológicos desde mi azotea

  • Pablo A. Jiménez
Keywords: Salsa, theology, narrative, biography, Rubén Blades


“Salsa, biografía y teología” is an essay on the topic of narrative theology. After briefly explaining the different streams of this theology, the essay focuses on biographical theology. The article finishes with an example of biographical theology in which the author uses “salsa”, one of the categories of tropical music, as the bases for an auto- biographical theological reflection. The final essay, “Juan Pachanga va a la Iglesia” is based on a song of Rubén Blades, Panamanian songwriter-singer and politician.


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How to Cite
Jiménez, Pablo A. “Salsa, biografía Y teología Pinitos teológicos Desde Mi Azotea”. Vida y Pensamiento 29, no. 2 (May 6, 2022): 143-154. Accessed January 5, 2025.