El encuentro de cosmovisiones: premoderna, moderna y postmoderna

  • Anthony Balcomb
Keywords: premodern worldview,, modern worldview,, postmodern worldview,, África, engagement,, disengagement


Worldviews are ways of seeing the world and of being in the world.
They shape the way we think, the way we relate, play and die; how we practice health and medicine, politics and religion; even how we do theology. Worldviews are not isolated from one another, but rather, even in our globalized and technological world, different worldviews coexist in the same context. If the premodern worldview is characterized by participatory consciousness on the epistemological level and engagement on the ontological level, the modern worldview is characterized by non-participatory consciousness and ontological disengagement. The postmodern worldview is inclusive of both premodern and modern constructions of reality. Understanding our own worldview and how it interacts with others is important for a life of mutual respect in contexts of diversity.


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How to Cite
Balcomb, Anthony. “El Encuentro De Cosmovisiones: Premoderna, Moderna Y Postmoderna”. Vida y Pensamiento 28, no. 1 (May 13, 2022): 7-24. Accessed July 3, 2024. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/388.