God's justice and infinite mercy

  • Elsa Tamez
Keywords: God's justice, forgiveness, human condition, structural sin


In this article the author enumerates the most significant contributions of her doctoral thesis, "Justification by Faith as an Affirmation of Life", University of Lausanne, Switzerland (1990). She analyzes justification by faith from the perspective of the excluded ones and deepens the discussion of the justice of God as infinite mercy, going back to the concepts of structural sin and the role of the law, the human condition and infinite forgiveness.


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How to Cite
Tamez, Elsa. “God’s Justice and Infinite Mercy”. Vida y Pensamiento 37, no. 1-2 (March 25, 2019): 273-290. Accessed January 18, 2025. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/39.