Propuesta epistemológica para una Psicología Pastoral con perspectiva latinoamericana

  • Sara Baltodano Arróliga
Keywords: epistemological hermeneutics,, positivism,, sociocritical paradigm,, participative method,, plural and diverse thought


This article seeks to break with the positivist thinking that has dominated modernist epistemology and has penetrated all disciplines, including pastoral psychology. This break is expressed through phrases that express opposing epistemological positions: from imposed and closed knowledge to critically constructed knowledge; from a starting point of theoretical knowledge to a starting point of practical knowledge; from a unilineal subject-object relationship to a multi-focal subject-subject inter-relationship; from the dominion of the one universalizing voice, to the liberating polyphony of voices and experiences; from neutral, a-critical, aseptic knowledge, to committed and transforming knowledge.


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How to Cite
Baltodano Arróliga, Sara. “Propuesta epistemológica Para Una Psicología Pastoral Con Perspectiva Latinoamericana”. Vida y Pensamiento 28, no. 1 (May 13, 2022): 95-110. Accessed July 5, 2024.