How could we understand gender?

A basic theoretical framework

  • Karoline Mora Blanco
Keywords: gender, sex, sexuality, social structure, heterosexual matrix, gender ideology


Recently, a series of fundamentalist discourses have become popular, using as their banner the “defense of the family” and proclaiming an untiring struggle against a “gender ideology”. These speeches have been used for religious and political manipulation and have shown their firm opposition to human rights, especially rights of women and sexually diverse communities. For this reason, this article presents a simple clarification of terms, a journey through gender, sex and sexuality from disciplines such as sociology and philosophy. It is unnecessary to define the expression “gender ideology”, which does not belong to gender studies and, as mentioned above, is a tool of “ fear mongering” that creates a nonexistent (but efficient!) enemy in order to mobilize the population.


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How to Cite
Mora Blanco, Karoline. “How Could We Understand Gender? A Basic Theoretical Framework”. Vida y Pensamiento 38, no. 1 (June 14, 2018): 9-24. Accessed July 3, 2024.