Four strategies against the misnamed "gender ideology"

  • Mercedes L García Bachmann
Keywords: reading strategies, inclusive language, ekklesia of wo/men, Numbers 27


In the face of the patriarchal boomerang of “gender ideology,” the article offers four strategies in using the Bible: a) keep saying what needs to be said, no matter who gets frightened; b) seek utopias; c) know as much as possible about biblical writing conventions, and d) learn from the Bible. Point A) looks at the boomerang effect against gender justice and the need to continue and even to start over with counterarguments. Point b) is a short reflection on the difficulty of imagining egalitarian models (example: Schüssler Fiorenza’s ekkl?sia of wo/men). Point c) is an admission of our lack of information on biblical conventions on language (examples: Ex 21:2-11 and Deut 15:12-18, a queen mentioned in Psalm 45). Point d)  points out that we can learn from the Bible itself not to let our guard down once we have earned our rights (example: Numbers 27, 36, Joshua 17).


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How to Cite
García Bachmann, Mercedes L. “Four Strategies Against the Misnamed "Gender ideology"”. Vida y Pensamiento 38, no. 1 (July 26, 2019): 133-154. Accessed July 3, 2024.