Teología clásica de la liberación y educación teológica superior latinoamericana:

Presentación de apertura a la Cátedra Juan A. Mackay del año 2023

Keywords: liberation theology, social movements, theological education, theological method, Latin American conjuncture


The influence of classical liberation theology has been relevant not only for the processes of social transformation in Latin America, but also for higher theological education. This theological approach emerged in a specific Latin American conjuncture, characterized by the struggle between capitalism and socialism. It is currently present in the different theologies that accompany social movements in their struggles for social justice. To ensure that these theologies are coherent with the struggles of our peoples, it is necessary that theological institutions identify the challenges of the new contexts and social movements.
It is also important to review the epistemic foundations of classical liberation theology and, above all, to verify the relevance of its theological method. These aspects are addressed in this presentation, as part of the celebration of 100 years of commitment to theological education at the Latin American Biblical University.


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How to Cite
Román-López Dollinger, Angel Eduardo. “Teología clásica De La liberación Y educación teológica Superior Latinoamericana: : Presentación De Apertura a La Cátedra Juan A. Mackay Del año 2023”. Vida y Pensamiento 43, no. 1 (July 26, 2023): 9-32. Accessed December 22, 2024. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/555.