Un camino más allá de la dogmática patriarcal: Retos para nuestro tiempo desde la ecología y el feminismo

  • Ivone Gebara
Keywords: metaphysics, history, transgression, renovation, simplicity of life


The author addresses the climate crisis and its implications for thinking about the place of human beings, theology and religions in the world. She points out that the crisis of anthropocentrism, that is, the premise of the centrality of human beings, must challenge us to think about human life, theology, religious traditions and relationships in a different way. It develops three key elements in the face of this crisis and its patriarchal logic: interdependence as a way of perceiving reality, the depatriarchalization of theology, dogmas and religious institutions, and the return to the simplicity of life. She proposes the path of transgression that promotes life, in the style of Jesus and the prophetic tradition: the transgression of the law, the status quo, of that which kills.


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How to Cite
Gebara, Ivone. “Un Camino más Allá De La dogmática Patriarcal: Retos Para Nuestro Tiempo Desde La ecología Y El Feminismo”. Vida y Pensamiento 43, no. 1 (July 26, 2023): 101-121. Accessed December 22, 2024. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/560.