Aportes a la hermenéutica bíblica

Reflexiones semióticas sobre el lugar y el texto

  • César Carbullanca Nuñez
Keywords: hermeneutic, bible, theology of liberation, semiotic


Various observers have noted the lack of clarity, ambiguity, and problematic aspect of some concepts of Liberation Hermeneutics. From this context, the article aims to provide a critical reflection on the Latin American biblical hermeneutics regarding the concepts of text and place. The use of these concepts in the Hermeneutics of Liberation has lost its theoretical value today, therefore a semiotic reflection is obligatory in view of its overcoming. This collaboration establishes, in the first place, the concepts of place and text as semiotic categories of production of types of discourses, differentiating, in each case, the hegemonic character of the ordering of knowledge and discourse of power groups, as well as the silenced character of marginal groups today. Secondly, the need to become aware of the difference between hermeneutics and semiotics to advance on a biblical reflection in Latin America that studies the texts of primitive Christianity at the service of the production of discursive practices of marginal groups.


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How to Cite
Carbullanca Nuñez, César. “Aportes a La hermenéutica bíblica: Reflexiones semióticas Sobre El Lugar Y El Texto”. Vida y Pensamiento 43, no. 2 (December 7, 2023): 11-42. Accessed December 22, 2024. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/573.