Hacia una "epistemología tanguera"

Un aporte a la teología intercultural decolonial a partir de la danza

  • Heike Walz
Keywords: dance, argentine tango, decolonial epistemology, (post)migration, liberating intercultural theology


The article examines dance as a means of liberation. The author outlines steps towards an “epistemology of dance” as a key to intercultural theology.
Methodologically, she opts for a practical-academic approach referring to dance projects, e.g., Argentinian feminist tango anddancing in the favelas. This contribution is part of her research project “Inter-Dance & Religion” on the religious, spiritual, and interreligious-intercultural meaning of dance. It links to the avant-garde role of Latin American liberation theologies, especially (eco)feminist and queer, on the body and dance. The author interprets dance as a means to decolonize Eurocentric thinking. Using the example of Argentinian tango, she outlines an “epistemology of tango”, as its transcultural and post-migrant social history opens up a decolonial “third space” (Homi K. Bhabha).


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How to Cite
Walz, Heike. “Hacia Una "Epistemología tanguera": Un Aporte a La teología Intercultural Decolonial a Partir De La Danza”. Vida y Pensamiento 44, no. 1 (July 30, 2024): 15-54. Accessed September 1, 2024. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/710.