El ecomartirio en las Américas

Un testimonio interseccional como desafío para la teología de la liberación

  • Elizabeth O´Donnell Gandolfo
Keywords: Environmental defenders, martyrdom, liberation theology, ecofeminist theology, intersectionality


The historical and contemporary martyrdom of thousands of environmental defenders in Latin America gives incarnate testimony to the reality of ecological oppression and the urgency of buen vivir and integral ecology. Drawing on this perspective of ecomartyrdom and the living memory of several cases of ecomartyrs, this essay offers an ecofeminist reflection on the following question: What are the challenges posed by the reality of ecomartyrdom for liberation theology and Christian churches today? In dialogue with the struggle and witness of concrete cases of ecomartyrdom, I propose that the reality and memory of ecomartyrdom challenges us in several interrelated dimensions, not only in the economic and ecological dimensions of liberation, but in the feminist, anti-racist, and interreligious dimensions as well.


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How to Cite
O´Donnell GandolfoElizabeth. “El Ecomartirio En Las Américas: Un Testimonio Interseccional Como desafío Para La teología De La liberación”. Vida y Pensamiento 44, no. 1 (July 30, 2024): 55-88. Accessed September 1, 2024. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/711.