La teología política de Ignacio Ellacuría

  • Randall Carrera Umaña
Keywords: Latin American theology, political theology, poor, popular majorities, Ellacuría


This research presents a study of the political theology of Ignacio Ellacuría, which is framed in the context of his liberation theology. A gradual study is proposed, starting with an approach to the life and work of this author as a key element to understand his thought. Subsequently, an analysis of the general elements of his theological ideas is made, with the purpose of deepening in the political element present in his reflection, with a particular emphasis on his vision of the historical Jesus. It ends with the elucidation of some conclusions on the subject. 


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How to Cite
Carrera Umaña, Randall. “La teología política De Ignacio Ellacuría”. Vida y Pensamiento 44, no. 1 (July 30, 2024): 89-110. Accessed September 1, 2024.