La espiritualidad ancestral, un modo de vida de hacerse persona en relación

  • Sofía Chipana Quispe
Keywords: healing ancestral memory, jaq’i (being a person in relationship), colonial matrix, duality, reciprocal relationships


The text is woven from the need to reestablish balance and harmony from the healing and energizing ancestral memory of the relational principles that guide the path of being a person in relationship and that the Andean peoples propose as an alternative of life, as opposed to the colonial matrix that defines relationships from the hegemonic paradigm of life based on the naturalization of human inferiority and superiority and the utilitarian relationship with the communities of life often sustained in religious discourses that lead to the rupture of the fabric of life. Therefore, the aim is to present the memory from the wisdom that assumes the past that is ahead interweaving the present that prepares the paths that the native peoples will travel.


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How to Cite
Chipana Quispe, Sofía. “La Espiritualidad Ancestral, Un Modo De Vida De Hacerse Persona En relación”. Vida y Pensamiento 44, no. 1 (July 30, 2024): 185-208. Accessed September 1, 2024.