Lenguaje y teología de liberación en la era del tecnocapitalismo

  • Miguel España
Keywords: Language of domination, techno-capitalism, semiocapitalism, perijoretic language, eco-justice, liberation theology


Liberation theology is challenged by a new grammar of domination, consisting of the interweaving between forms of governmentality typical of industrial and Fordist societies, new modes of global power management based on the Internet of All Things, and other technologies applied to the exploitation of Mother Earth and societies of the Global South: It is the totalization of technocapitalism (Power + Technologies). Does Liberation Theology have any ideas, intuitions, or proposals in its tradition that help us update the language of liberation in the era of technocapitalism? We propose to bring the theory of eco-justice and complexity into dialogue as an attempt to update the language of liberation theology in the era of techno-capitalism.


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How to Cite
España, Miguel. “Lenguaje Y teología De liberación En La Era Del Tecnocapitalismo”. Vida y Pensamiento 44, no. 1 (July 30, 2024): 241-282. Accessed December 21, 2024. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/718.