El tensionado concepto de esperanza en tiempos de crisis ecológica

  • Arianne Van Andel
Keywords: Hope, epistemology, interreligious, perspectives, ecology, feminist theology


This article explores how to reconsider the concept of hope in times of ecological crisis. The author compares the interpretations of hope given by Jürgen Moltmann and Raimon Panikkar, and evaluates them from a liberation theology perspective.


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How to Cite
Van Andel, Arianne. “El Tensionado Concepto De Esperanza En Tiempos De Crisis ecológica”. Vida y Pensamiento 44, no. 1 (July 30, 2024): 283-316. Accessed September 1, 2024. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/719.