re-thinking and resisting

Current challenges to liberation theology

  • Equipo Editorial


In this issue you will find important contributions to the development of liberating perspectives of Liberation Theology from different epistemic and methodological emphases. This issue of our journal begins with an invitation to dance and thus remember that knowledge, resistance and liberation pass through our bodies. The ecomartyrdom suffered by people defending their territories from the depredation of the neoliberal extractivist system brings our gaze to the current struggles in the region. Today's realities lead to the revision and updating of central categories of Liberation Theology such as People or Popular, Poor and Political Theology. In addition, new and challenging forms of theological work emerge from new subjects such as gender/gender diversity, from the indigenous cosmovivience, within the global context of the climate crisis and from the perspective of ecocomplexity. It also asks how theology can contribute to build active hope in the current context. Finally, it closes with a proposal for dialogue between Liberation Theology and post/Decolonial Theories.


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How to Cite
Editorial, Equipo. “Re-Thinking and Resisting: Current Challenges to Liberation Theology”. Vida y Pensamiento 44, no. 1 (July 31, 2024): 1-338. Accessed January 2, 2025.