Complicities of biblical geographies in the face of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

  • Anthony M. Sibaja-Solís
Keywords: biblical geography, historical geography, Middle East, Palestine, Israel


From the mid-nineteenth century to the present, biblical geographies have presented interpretations of the Middle East territories, particularly of Palestine and Israel, with claims of objectivity. People of faith and science have produced atlases, books and manuals with geographical content so that the Christian scholar can know the physical and historical features of the Holy Land. The problem is that, this texts do not always address the geohistorical factors of the contemporary conflict. These studies have been conducted from imaginaries, discourses and ideas that the West has on the Middle East and must be taken into account to understand the various positions regarding the conflict between Palestine and Israel. Therefore, the article discusses the contexts in which biblical geographies have been written and the motivations of their authors in order to question the univocal character that has been assigned to them.


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How to Cite
Sibaja-Solís, Anthony M. “Complicities of Biblical Geographies in the Face of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”. Vida y Pensamiento 44, no. 2 (December 20, 2024): 97-126. Accessed December 22, 2024.