Historical Aspects of Practical Theology

  • Angel Eduardo Román-López Dollinger
Keywords: Practical theology, theological work, liberation praxis, pastoral praxis, theological discipline


This document briefly addresses some historical aspects related to the configuration, development and consolidation of practical theology as a theological discipline in the context of higher education in the German part of Europe. The objective of this historical review is to identify some disciplinary aspects that Latin American and Caribbean practical theology has inherited from Europe. This aspect is fundamental, because knowing the historical development of this discipline can help to identify where it is currently, to what extent it is methodologically and epistemologically relevant to the theological task, to what extent it needs updating and which people or institutions are called to build its local identity.


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How to Cite
Román-López Dollinger, Angel Eduardo. “Historical Aspects of Practical Theology”. Vida y Pensamiento 40, no. 1 (August 13, 2020): 57-70. Accessed July 3, 2024. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/85.