Teología y cultura vernáculas

El lenguaje y el quehacer teológico desde la palabra indígena

  • Graciela Chamorro
Keywords: theology, culture, indigenous, guaraní, word


The religious and theological experience of guaraní groups is centered on the concept-existence of the “word”. Studying this word is, thus, necessary in order to translate the theology of these groups. In this first conference I reflect, from my personal experience with these groups and their language, on the relationship between theology and culture, focusing on theological language- Indigenous langue.
I also present aspects of the Indigenous work and the theology that is expressed through it, as well as their implications for Christian churches open to dialogue.


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How to Cite
Chamorro, Graciela. “Teología Y Cultura vernáculas: El Lenguaje Y El Quehacer teológico Desde La Palabra indígena”. Vida y Pensamiento 29, no. 1 (May 5, 2022): 7-28. Accessed January 3, 2025. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/371.