Origen y destino del ser: tres perspectivas

  • Janet W. May
Keywords: Otto Rank, guaraní, soul, redemption, salvation


The belief in the soul is an element that is common in many religions.
The soul is usually seen both as the most profound expression of personal identity and as a spiritual extension of being that is capable of wandering separate from the body in dreams and in an afterlife. Drawing upon the insights of the twentieth- century Austrian psychologist Otto Rank regarding the meaning and psychological origins of the soul, its relation to human will and the processes of redemption and salvation, select aspects of the Guaraní and Christian belief systems are compared.
As a result, it is possible to identify ways in which the two belief systems can complement each other in a way that could be beneficial to the Guaraní people and to non-Guaraní Christians that value religious diversity.


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How to Cite
May, Janet W. “Origen Y Destino Del Ser: Tres Perspectivas”. Vida y Pensamiento 29, no. 1 (May 5, 2022): 101-126. Accessed January 3, 2025. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/375.