Equilibrio y cuidado

Concepción indígena de una comunidad solidaria y diaconal

  • José Estermann
Keywords: relationality,, cosmic order,, reciprocity,, Andean peoples


The autochthonous peoples of Abya Yala – indigenous Word for the Latin American continent – have developed an understanding of “community”, based on their histories and millenary experiences, that is in close relationship with the environment, the divine and their co-community members. This understanding has a sapiential and philosophical background, rooted in a worldview that is both inclusive and integrating. The contribuition of the maya, náhua, kuna, guaraní, quechua, aimara, mapuche peoples, among many others, to a diakonia of Christian solidarity is not founded initially on the Christian concept of “love for one’s neighbour”, but rather on the conviction that this universe is interconnected and obeys a fundamental cosmic and anthropological order.


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How to Cite
Estermann, José. “Equilibrio Y Cuidado: Concepción indígena De Una Comunidad Solidaria Y Diaconal”. Vida y Pensamiento 29, no. 1 (May 5, 2022): 143-162. Accessed December 22, 2024. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/377.