La postmodernidad y el re- encantamiento del mundo: propuestas tentativas

  • Anthony Balcomb
Keywords: modernity,, post-modernity,, re-enchantment,, quantum physics,, subjectivity,, process theology


The re-enchantment of the world – understood as the recovery of a way of seeing and being in the world that recognizes the subjectivity and personality of the world and that which is in it, and that re-engages body and mind, self and other, individual and community, God and world – is a task for the sciences, including ontology, epistemology, cosmology and theology, that were employed in the emergence of the crisis of modernity. The rationalist world vision of Descartes and Newton has been challenged by philosophers who emphasize personification and engagement in the relationship with the environment. Morris Berman uses quantum physics to demonstrate the feasibility of a re-enchanted universe, while adopting the atheism of modernity. This raises the question of a theological paradigm for the project of re-enchantment of the world.


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How to Cite
Balcomb, Anthony. “La Postmodernidad Y El Re- Encantamiento Del Mundo: Propuestas Tentativas”. Vida y Pensamiento 28, no. 1 (May 13, 2022): 29-48. Accessed July 3, 2024.