“El dolor con dolor paga”: hacia una pedagogía del placer

  • Francisco Mena Oreamuno
Keywords: Institutional violence, pastoral theology, play, love


Pain can be experienced within the framework of the social processes of institutionalization, where it is integrated as a legitimate and necessary experience for such processes. This type of unnecessary pain generates even more pain and builds a circle of violence that grows and impedes human growth in freedom and solidarity.
Play as an exercise of love is a path that can help us to alleviate this type of pain and has the ability to begin to cure the processes of systemic violence.


How to Cite
Mena Oreamuno, Francisco. “‘El Dolor Con Dolor paga’: Hacia Una pedagogía Del Placer”. Vida y Pensamiento 28, no. 2 (May 20, 2022): 71-102. Accessed January 6, 2025. https://revistas.ubl.ac.cr/index.php/vyp/article/view/403.