Educar en diversidades

Teología de la liberación y estudios críticos de género

  • Enrique Vega-Dávila Universidad Iberoamericana
Keywords: Gender and religion, sex-generic diversity, queer theology, cuir theology, liberation theology


This article discusses two key elements in Latin American liberation theology: “reverse of history” and “liberation”. These will be considered as hermeneutical guidelines for a theological education that considers sex-gender diversity, which has not been named in society and in the theological world in an affirmative way. This proposal continues the work of Marcella Althaus-Reid from what I have named “cuir theology of liberation”, which would take Latin American sexed bodies as a starting point. Through the methodology of Latin American liberation theology, the need to listen to cries made invisible by cisheteronorma and obligatory heterosexuality will be presented, which would demand knowledge of dissident identities from themselves and establish critical routes that allow positions and possibilities of understanding the diverse.


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How to Cite
Vega-Dávila, Enrique. “Educar En Diversidades: Teología De La liberación Y Estudios críticos De género”. Vida y Pensamiento 44, no. 1 (July 30, 2024): 161-184. Accessed January 3, 2025.