Vol. 42 No. 1 (2022): Tecnologías digitales: aportes y desafíos teológico-pastorales
This issue of the journal Vida y Pensamiento addresses the subject of digital technologies, considering the theological and pastoral contributions and challenges that emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic made it clearer than ever that technological innovations modify our life patterns and ways of relating to each other, as well as our work, family, and ecclesial spaces. The changes that took place during the months of confinement and almost two years of social distancing were, in reality, an acceleration of what had already been taking place gradually for years. While acknowledging the positive contribution that technology has offered us and can offer, it is necessary to assess the social impact of these transformations, including aspects such as the digital divide, influence of the media, and social networks on the way we live, consume, believe, and perceive.